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Monday, 3 May 2010

Current Events

Delan Chen
7/8 Blue
      On April 4 near 55 miles north of Anchorage in Alaska, a German Shepard named Buddy had saved his owner's life when his clothes and house got caught on fire. Heinrichs, the owner, stated that he was working on his truck when somehow a spark ignited the gasoline and setting his clothes on fire. He ran outside and rolled over in the snow to clear out the fire. He let his dog out, Buddy, and told him that they needed help. The dog took off and encountered a trooper named Terrence Shanigan near Caswell Loop Road. Shanigan's global positioning device wasn't working and he was coordinating with the dispatchers to locate Heinrichs's house. The dog led him to the house and firefighters soon arrived at the house. How old is Heinrichs?
       A. 24 years old
       B. 36 years old
       C. 23 years old
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